2023 AGM Minutes

The 2023 AGM was called to order by President Ken Crump at 3 PM, Wednesday,  October 25.

President Crump welcomed all players and thanked them for the tremendous turnout at this AGM.  He noted that 2022/23 has been a tremendous year with a great commitment by many players making for strong year of participation and involvement in spite of Covid.  Many happenings included the hosting of the Canadian 80+ Hockey Hall of Fame Induction celebration, excellent year long league participation and summer hockey action.  The month of October now has players for a record number of 18 teams in 60+ Hockey action.

He noted that the cement has been poured for the dressing room expansion, a decision that  resulted from a record number of players showing up for the important membership decision in June of this year to proceed with that expansion.

Ken thanked and congratulated everyone for their active participation and support for the league.

Note:  A door prize ($250 gift card to OK/ Tire) will be drawn for at the end of the meeting.

President Crump then introduced the Executive for 60+ Hockey as follows:

Past President: Ken McKnight – Present

Vice-President: Harve Birns – Present

Treasurer: Brian Sinclair – Present

Secretary: Dennis Moore – Present

Exec member: Stan Halliwell (60+ Hockey League Co-Founder) – Present

Exec member: Murray Taylor (Communications) – Present

Exec member: Phil MacIntyre (Website Manager/czar) – Not Present

Exec member: Dave Hume (Player Safety/Picture Directory Coordinator/80+ Hall of Fame  Western Regional Board Member) – Present

Exec member: Ron Dagert (Rosters/Scheduling/Sublists/captains letters) – Present

Exec member: Michael Cebryk(Stall Coordinator/CARHA Insurance Coordinator) – Present

Exec member: Brian Obed (Referee Coordinator) – Present

President Crump noted Brian’s stepping up as a volunteer on a continuous basis and that he will be stepping down from his role as Referee in Chief and he will definitely be missed.

Exec member: Bruce Meilicke (Golf Coordinator) – Present. 

Exec member: Ken Sutherland – Not Present.  Ken will also be stepping down from the executive and we wish him well.

Exec member: Ernie Epp (80+ Player Coordinator and minor hockey liaison) – Present

After introducing the 60+Hockey Executive President Crump went on identify many others who make the 60+ Hockey tick.

Chuck Hainsworth – is willing to serve as a Hockey Executive Member at Large and if elected by the membership will take over as the Ref-in-Chief and SSFA Coordinator beginning in January.

Scott Grant – tremendous assistance with hockey scheduling.

Neil MacIntyre – tremendous assistance with the website/website directory.

Jim Greenshields – tremendous assistance with rosters

Grant Miller – tremendous assistance with sub lists

Rick Kopeck and Peter Rolston – Goalie Coordinators

Steve Terlesky/Armond Meagher/Claude Georget – Beer fridge maintenance

Claude Georget/Jerry Demeria/Rick Holtom – Summer Hockey Coordinators

Richard Hoffer – Dressing Room Cleanliness

President Crump indicated that this is a small sample of the many people involved in making this 60+ Hockey League work and work well.  Many more names could be included on the above list.

He noted a bunch of folks who have voluntered time, machinery, and guidance with respect to the expansion including Brian Harmsworth, Bucky Blandford, Brian Sinclair, Trent Koehler, Pat McAdam, Ken Menz and Harve Birns.

Note: the Expansion Committee consists of Harv Birns, Bucky Blandford, Ken Crump, Brian Sinclair and Dave Hume.

Tremendous work has been done on the cabinets for display in the foyer by Ray Jeffrey. Donation of stonework surrounding the cabinets by Trent Koehler will see the installation taking place soon by Reid Corbett.

Business Agenda

  1. Minutes of the 2022 AGM

Secretary Dennis Moore Re 2022 AGM Minutes

Motion: ‘That the 2022 AGM Minutes be approved.’

Second: Dave Hume –  CARRIED

  1. Treasurer’s Report

 Brian Sinclair presented his treasurer’s report

Motion: ‘That the Treasurer’s report be approved as presented.’

Second: Todd Peterson   CARRIED

  1. Player safety/AED/CPR – Dave Hume

Dave reviewed plans for player safety and the importance of paying attention to possible head injuries, approaches when a player has gone down with possible head injury or suspected concussion.  Protocols are being established and must be taken seriously.

A player medical form is being developed and IS NOT MANDATORY BUT COULD BE VERY HELPFUL IF SOMEONE IS INJURED.

Cleaning protocols should carry on with the same covid caution that was in place during peak covid.  Regular cleaning of equipment and washing should be practiced by all players continuously.

  1. Constitution Changes for Consideration

Motion /Dave Hume “that the 60+ Hockey League make the following changes to the existing constitution as highlighted in red below:

5.  At any duly scheduled General Meeting or a Special Meeting, requested by the League Executive, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the Memberspresent at the meeting. Voting by proxy is not permitted.  

6.  Decision making shall be by consensus or by formal vote.

6.1   At the request of any Executive or Member, such voting shall be conducted by secret ballot and/or by recorded vote.

6.2   The Annual General Meeting shall be open to all dues-paying Members/Alumni, in good standing, who shall have the right to speak, nominate and present motions.  

Second: Bruce Meilicke     CARRIED

These constitution changes will be updated on the website by the Website manager, Phil MacIntyre

  1. Rosters/Scheduling – Ron Dagert

Ron indicated that the sign-up sheets for Jan/Feb will be available shortly.

Ron provided a reminder as to the steps to follow in making use of the sub list when looking for a replacement.

Murray Taylor highlighted the importance of requesting a replacement for Line A or Line B or Line C….but not from all three.

  1. 55+ Senior Games – Chuck Hainsworth

This will take place from Aug 27-30, 2024.  Chuck indicated to let him know if you are interested in being on one of the teams (ie.  60+, 65+, 70+, 75+) as soon as possible.

  1. Referee in Chief Report – Brian Obed

Brian highlighted that, although, there has been some good participation by volunteer referees stepping up, the numbers are not near enough right now.  The numbers show that only 40% of players referreed last year.  To have refs for all games we need greater participation.  

With respect to player safety Chuck Hainsworth mentioned suggestions that the trail man give up the puck to the lead man instead of crashing the boards.  Many risky plays for injury take place along the boards.  We all need to be thoughtful in these situations when playing and make every effort to reduce stick work that risks player safety.

  1. Health and Wellness Coordinator

Ken Crump announced that Don Reimer was taking over as the new Health and Wellness Coordinator and will do a great job.

  1. Expansion Report – Harve Birns

Harve indicated that the expansion project awaits approval of a City of Saskatoon permit (who said ‘you can rush city hall’ – not true)

There will likely be an additional 95 to 99 new stalls.  Stall construction is the responsibility of the 60+ Hockey League.  Rod Gibson is coordinating stall construction with a stall building committee.

Priority seating space will be provided for goalies in the layout of stalls. Brian Harmsworth, the general contractor has completed the excavation and reinforced concrete support slab.

Par McAdam provided  time with his excavator and bucket and Ken Menz provided his skid steer loader and time for the necessary excavations.  

Brian Harmsworth is waiting for the approval of the city building permits to continue construction of the new dressing room addition. The permits were submitted by Kindrachuk Agrey Architecture.

Trent Koehler has been instrumental in securing donations of plywood for the stall construction and possibly 2″ x 8″ bench material.

The ‘Building Committee” for stall construction and renovations consists of Rod Gibson, Bucky Blandford, Al Wekerle, Brian Sinclair, and Kaz Pacholik.  We will be asking for players to volunteer their time, for stall construction, as has been done in the past.

Harve Birns will coordinate the endeavour.

The deadline for permanent stall members to submit their $300 stall fee is November 15, 2023.  Members on the stall waiting list, finalized by Mike Cebryk, may now submit their $300… e-transfers or checks are both expectable.

  1. Housekeeping items
    1. The Christmas Banquet will take place on December 14, 2023 at the WDM – MC for this year’s gala will be Dave Westgard.
    2. The Golf Tournament will take place at the Legends in 2024
    3. Executive Members retiring (Brian Obed and Ken Sutherland will be recognized in an appropriate way with a trip to the Super Bowl (just kidding??) or a gift card to express appreciation for their volunteer work and dedication to 60+ Hockey.

President Crump indicated how much they will all be missed with great thanks. 

  1. The 50/50 charities are up and running again.
  1. New Business
  1. Vaccinations 

The current policy for 60+ Hockey is that players must be double vaccinated to play in 60+ Hockey.  This was put in place by the Executive during the height of Covid concerns.

The executive is recommending a change to the policy to the membership 

with the following motion:

MOTION: ‘That the 60+ Hockey League removes the requirement for double vaccination and that all players follow Saskatchewan Hockey Association vaccination regulations and procedures’

Second: Dave Spencer – CARRIED

  1. Executive Review and nominations

Ken McNight as past president presented the slate of Executive and Officers for nomination for 2024.  Ken asked if there were any nominations from the floor.  Hearing and seeing none, the following was moved: 

MOTION: Ken McNight “that the current executive be accepted as presented.”

SECOND: Bruce Meilicke       CARRIED

  1. Dressing Room Cleanliness

MOTION: Richard Hoffer “thatthe 60+ Hockey Executive form a committee to research the possibility of purchasing and installing an air exchange system for the 60+ Hockey dressing room.

SECOND: Jerry Demeria    CARRIED


2023 Financial Statement

SESSION FEES100,600.00
SPARES FEES12,300.00
COOLER                                                      16,298.00
XMAS PARTY11,215.00
,TOTAL INCOME                                         166,973.00
ICE RENTALS ($169.95/game & GST )         81,627.03
ROOM RENTAL ($716.19/month & GST )     5,729.52
COOLER 9,405.63
AGM 1,539.90
50/50 WINNERS2,560.00
CHARITY DONATIONS (From 50/50’s)4,370.00
80 PLUS VIDEO2,860.00
WDM ROOM RENTAL (room expansion)565.42
TOTAL EXPENSES                                       $168,264.43
BALANCE June 30, 2022$78,347.28
BALANCE June 30, 2023$76,710.90

  Brian Sinclair Treasurer                                                                               

2023 Special General Meeting

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Prior to the official start of the meeting Vice President Harve Birns spoke briefly about the reason for the meeting, the potential agreement with Schroh Arenas Ltd and motions that have been prepared for consideration by the membership.

President Ken Crump then called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

In his opening remarks Ken indicated that there are over 260 players registered for our league and attendance at this meeting was over 150 members. This indicated a quorum to vote with respect to decisions at the meeting. Ken thanked everyone for the tremendous turnout to which there was a round of applause.

Vice President Birns walked through the proposed agreement (attached) clause by clause which was displayed on overhead. Following his presentation of this agreement the following motion was put on the floor

MOTION: Harve Birns

SECOND: George Wilson

that the 60+ Hockey League offers and guarantees a $60,000 forgivable loan to Schroh Arena Ltd, subject to the conditions of the outlined written and signed agreement.”

With the motion on the floor members raised different questions and possible concerns as follows:

  • Was it possible that we were overbuilding, wondering about whether all of the new stalls would be used. Once built all the new stall space would have to be maintained even though they might not be used.

Response: There are 180 players signed up for the fall of 2023 with strong indications of more players wanting to come to the 60+ Hockey League.

  • Concerns about making sure that all of the proper cleaning considerations were/are being built into this proposal.

Response: There would be thoughtful discussions with anyone involved in proper cleaning to make sure that everything is being done right.

  • A question was raised about the possibility that we might not be allowing for enough locker room space (ie do the demographics indicate maybe a high demand with interest from the 50+ league)…should we maybe be building a larger addition.

Several members then rose to speak in support of the current motion as it stands

At this point an amendment to the original motion was proposed as follows


SECOND: Cary Humphrey

that the proposed agreement include the additional amount of $10,000 to allow for costs that might be incurred over the $60,000.”


Following substantial discussion with respect to the amendment a vote was called for and the amendment was defeated.





that the 60+ Hockey League adopts a one-time $300 fee for each active player who wishes to maintain or will obtain a permanent stall in the 60+ dressing room, subject to a declining refundable clause as outlined in the information package.”


Final comments from Harve Birns expressed appreciation for everyone who came out to this meeting and for all of the questions and concerns that we raised. All of the input is important.

Harve Birns moved the meeting be adjourned at 2 p.m.

2023 Schroh Dressing Room Expansion Agreement

Special General Meeting

June 20, 2023 (1:00pm @WDM)



A To build an extension to the existing dressing room, that will measure 30 feet by 36 feet, to be attached to the north end of the existing dressing room. It is to be built to a standard consistent with that of the existing dressing room, including heating, electrical, flooring, matting and interior walls.

2) The extension is to be substantially completed and ready for occupancy by 60 Plus Hockey on or before July 1, 2024.

3) To rent the extension to 60 Plus Hockey, rent free for a period of 6 years , from September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2030, and to allow 60 Plus Hockey to have unlimited access to the extension by July 1,2024, so that 60 Plus Hockey can install stalls, cabinets and storage space.

4) To rent the existing dressing room to 60 Plus Hockey at a cost of 5800 dollars plus tax per year, for the season September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024, and thereafter for the period September 1,2024 to August 31, 2030 at an annual rental of 5800 dollars plus tax, to be adjusted on September 1 of each year by such amount as may be negotiated by the parties.

5) To rent to 60 Plus Hockey a minimum of four, 75 minute ice sessions between the hours of 8:30 am and 2:30 pm, each week day September 1, 2023 to April 30, 2030, and during the months of May through August of each of these years to rent to 60 Plus Hockey such ice times as they wish, during the same time of each week day. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SCHROH may give priority for ice session times, in July and August, to hockey camps.

6) To repay to 60 Plus Hockey, on demand, all sums advanced to SCHROH pursuant to the provisions of the attached undertakings of 60 Plus Hockey in the event that any of the following occurs:

a) SCHROH commits a material breach of this agreement;

b) there is a sale of a controlling interest in SCHROH Arenas Ltd.;,

or, c) there is a sale of the arena by SCHROH.

7) This agreement shall not be assignable by SCHROH, and each of Darren and Jeremy shall guarantee the performance of this agreement by SCRHOH.


1) To rent the existing and extended dressing rooms and ice times from SCHROH in accordance with the terms of Articles 3,4 and 5 of the SCHROH agreement.

2) To supply all labour and materials for the installation of stalls, storage cupboards and counter space for the extended dressing room, and to complete the installation to a standard consistent with that of the existing dressing room.

3) To advance a forgivable demand loan of $60,000 to SCHROH, in increments, as follows:

  1. $20,000 upon completion of the concrete foundation;
  2. $10,000 when the construction of is 50% complete,
  3. $30,000 on substantial completion of the construction.

4) In the event SCHROH materially performs its obligations under this agreement, 60 Plus Hockey will forgive repayment of the amounts advanced under Article 3 above.

2022 AGM Financial Statement

(click here for pdf download)

2022 AGM Minutes

Date: Nov. 17, 2022

Place: Western Developement Museum, Saskatoon, Sask. (W. D. M. )

Time: Lunch @ 2:30. Meeting to begin at 3:00

Executive members present : Ken Crump, Harvey Birns, Michael Cebryk, Brian Sinclaire, Ken McKnight, Ernie Epp, Brian Obed, Stan Halliwell, Bruce Meilicke, Murray Taylor, Dave Hume, Ron Dagert, Phil MacIntyre, Mike Chirpilo. 

Executive members not in attendance: Ken Sutherland, Dennis Moore (new member )

Guest Speakers: Peter Rolston….. goalie rep. 


           Lunch 2:30

           Opening remarks / welcome…..Ken Crump

          Presentations by Executive Members re: their individual portfolios

         Questions from the floor to Executive 

          Kamloops Games recap by Chuck Hainsworth

          Gift Presentations

          New Business

          Election of Officers

         Motion to Adjourn

Lunch was served by WDM staff beginning at 2:30 / meeting began at 3:05

Opening comments recapping the years events such as league opperations, 80+induction game and ceremony, Kamloops Games, ,, house keeping issues such as keeping locker room clean and disinfected, welcome to new players and current state of the 60+ league were delivered by league president Ken Crump. Ken also discussed the state of Referee sign up, the prospect of adding more games and goalie availability. Ken also introduced the Executive table. 

Executive Members individual portfolio presentations.

League Secretary, Mike Chirpilo delivered the 2021 AGM minutes to members. motion to accept minutes made by Murray Grondal second by Gary Young motion was carried.

2021 AGM minutes are available to be read on Saskatoon 60+ web site

Stall and CARHA report delivered by Michael Cebryk. the league currently has 121 stalls which are all being used with 84 members on the waiting list. goalies have priority access to stalls which might become available because of the bulkiness of the equipment they use. CARHA. All players Must fill out CARHA insurance forms. if you  play in another league a player must still fill out a 60+ CARHA insurance form but there is no additional cost to the player as long as the player has paid his or her CARHA fees in that league. Any person reffing only still must fill out a CARHA insurance form. Presented as info. Michael asked for motion which would empower him to destroy old CARHA forms as these have sensitive info. contained in them. motion made by  Chuck Hainsworth second by Jim Rolston. Motion carried. 

Referee report delivered by Referee and Chief Brian Obed. Brian reminded members that if individual members refereed only once per session we would have NO games being played without at least one ref.  Brian gave details on how many games had no referees, how many game had only one ref. Brian discussed on going            problems raised by goalies regarding goalie crease infractions, high shots and jamming at puck while goalies have or in process of having the puck covered. This will now result in a penalty (3 min. in a change on the fly game. Current shift plus one more shift in a whistle game ) Brian also commented on rough play which must stop. In our league there is no need to purposefully slash, crosscheck and use the boards in inappropriate ways. 
                           No motion made. Info only

Communications Report delivered by Murray Taylor. Murray made mention of the league now having an alumni component to its directory. The alumni roster contains 20 inactive  members. Murray informed the members that there are 300 members on the league mailing list. A continuing problem that haunts Murray is that people
                         requiring a substitute hockey player put a call out using Murray to do so via e-mail respondents send reply to Murray rather than the player requiring the sub player. REPLY TO THE PERSON REQUIRING THE SUB NOT TO MURRAY!!!!!! Info only no motion made. 

AED/80+ induction info. delivered by Dave Hume. Dave informed the members that of this day (Nov. 17) there are no plans to hold AED training but if there is sufficient interest arrangements can be made. There is no charge for this training as cost is paid by 60+ hockey league. Dave also mentioned that there is a 3 year expiry date on the training. If you have had your AED training 3 years ago or longer the training should be renewed. 80+ Game andInduction. Dave informed  members that the 80+ game and induction went well with very few HICKUPS. The game and subsequent induction ceremony and banquet were a financial and ceremonial 
                         success. Saskatoon had 3 visiting inductees from various parts of Canada with all visitors quite taken by the hospitality shown by all envolved. Dave is still
                         in touch with other areas looking to host this type of event in their respective areas. Info. only no motion made. 

Player Rosters and Scheduling info. provided by Ron Dagert. Ron discussed the reasons for going to an 8 week schedule rather than keeping the 4 week schedule we have been
                         using. the 8 week schedule enables the roster builders, new player signing, CARHA registration and stall assigning to be much easier with fewer problems
                         such as duplication of documents. Rosters are easier to create and maintain. The new 8 week format forced members to sign up to play rather than to
                         sign up for the sub list and then not play as needed by full time players. this was problematic at first but it was sorted out. 
                         Game scheduling is now done by Claude Georget with help from Harv Birns as needed. Ron made it clear to members that he (Ron Dagert, Jim Greenshields and 
                         Mike Chirpilo) are in charge of rosters and sub list while Claude Georget is responsible for schedules. Ron also discussed the sub list in so far as player
                         accepting a sub time and then not being able to fulfill that comitment. IT IS UP TO THE SUB WHO CANNOT FULFILL THAT SUB TIME TO FIND A SUB FOR
                         FOR HIMSELF!!!!! At this point there were some suggestions from the floor such as a number of designated sub for each team. These were not dealt with but will be
                         revisited at a future date. Info. only no motion made. 

Website info. was provided by Phil MacIntyre and contained a request by Phil for an assistant incase Phil is not available to maintain website because of holidays or illness. Phil informed the members that the website is finished and is running well. Info. only no motion made. 

Christmas party/golf tourney info. was presented by Harv Birns. The 60+ 2022 Christmas party to be held Dec. 15, 2022 at the WDM main ball room. Cocktails at 5:30 p.m. Supper served at 6:00 p.m. with program to begin at 7:00 p.m.  there will be a live band, door prizes and fun to be had. The 60+ golf tourney will be held on June 15 2022
                        at the legends golf club in Warman Sask. Entry fee will be $80 per person including cart and lunch. Sign up sheets will go up in 60+ locker room in the new year.

Goalie report presented by Peter Rolston as guest speaker. Peter informed members that as of this date (Nov. 17) there are 21 goalies on our list with only 6 available any time. 
                        At a recent goalie meeting held on Nov. 2 2022 it was decided by goalie vote that younger and newer goalies playing in our league be relegated to a sub
                        list in order to give established goalies in our league first choice as to game availability. Goalies switching ends to be decided by goalies playing in that game on a game
                        to game basis and not arranged until the day of that game. Reasons for switching could be lopsided score, fatigue or slight injury, etc. Goalies asked to fill in on the spur
                        of moment because of injury or a no show will not have to pay a sub fee for that game because of the unforeseen nature of the need for a goalie. All other 
                        needs for goalies fall under sub guidelines of 60+ hockey league. Rick Kopek will take over Mike Rohatynsky’s duties on Jan 1, 2023. As of this writing Rick’s 
                        have only partly finalized. Stay tuned for more info. to follow at a later date. Peter stated that any and all crease infractions should be vigorously enforced. 
                        As an ongoing suggestion goalies would like to have each team warm up its own goalie rather than a free for all like we have now with players shooting at goalie. Finally goalies would like to see warnings given to players who constantly shoot HIGH. Info. only no motion. 

Kamloops 2022 senior fitness games recap was reported by Chuck Hainsworth. Chuck delivered a heartfelt thankyou to 60+ league for its support of the teams that journeyed to Kamloops. Chuck informed members of the successes and some failures the teams  endured but also how all Kamloops players handled the adversities with 
                       grace and humour. Info. only no motion. 

Presentations to Richard Koch and ED Sully for their devotion and hard work over the years in making Saskatoon 60+ hockey a better league. Richard’s hard work making up the league schedules for many years and for Ed Sully’s service on the 60+ executive for many many years will not be forgotten. 

New Business was delivered by Ken McKnight. After the required question “is there any new business?” from the floor or the executive. There was no new business to dealt with. 

Election of officers/nominations from the floor. Ken McKnight offered the question “nominations from the floor ” for new executive members. Non were forth coming. All executive were reinstalled by acclimation. New executive member nominated by Ken Crump internally will be Dennis Moore. 

Motion to adjourn made by Murray Gronsdal. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.  

2021 AGM Financial Statement

(click here for pdf download)

2021 AGM minutes

 Held at Western Development Museum Saskatoon 

 Lunch served at 2:30; meeting began at 3:00 

Executive members present: Ken Crump, Brian Sinclair, Dave Hume, Murray Taylor, Ernie Epp, Harve Birns, Mike Chirpilo, Stan Halliwell, Bruce Meilicke, Michael Cebryk, Brian Obed, Ken McKnight, Rick Kopeck 

Executive members not in attendance: Ken Sutherland, Ed Sully                


             1. Introduction of 60+ executive by Ken Crump 

            2. AGM MINUTES from last AGM meeting Nov. 20, 2019 presented by Michaek Cebryk.  motion to accept minutes as read made by Richard Hoffer, seconded by Terry Davie.motion carried. 

            3. Treasurer’s report presented by Brian Sinclair. Brian’s report included room expences incurred by 60+ hockey due to Covid 19. These included electrical upgrades to the dressing room, air purifiers, new counter tops,  
               new first aid kit, chemicals for room cleaning and upgrades to shower and  sink taps.  Other expences incurred were for hockey jerseys and 80+ hall of fame spending. Motion to accept report as presented made by Ron Daggert
               and seconded by Darrell McFadyen. Motion was carried.  

           4. Communications report presented by Murray Taylor. members were asked to pay closer attention to E-MAILS received so as to respond directly to e-mail sender and only include Murray Taylor when necessary. 
               The league has 295 members to respond to all requests by Murray is not an option.  members were asked by Murray to pay close attention to sub. sign in sheets as needed and all information needed on envelopes deposited in Vault on
              counter top.  
              No motion asked for. presentation was intended as information only. 

          5. AED/CPR presentation was delivered by Dave Hume. Dave suggested that upon requests and demand for further training for these worthwhile  sessions he will post sign up sheets in the locker room so as to accomodate
             any requests. There are no costs involved to the participants. costs to be covered by 60+ hockey.   Dave also drew attention to the fact that there are still quite a few picture directories available @$5.00 each; and available in the 
             locker room.  No motion made. for information purposes only.  

         6. Goalie update information presented by Rick Kopeck. rick wanted all members to be aware that 60+ hockey always can use more goal tenders. The league can not expand without the increase in goalie availability. Rick mentioned 
            that anyone knowing of a goalie that might be interested in joining the league to forward the goalie’s name and contact information to him for follow up.  No motion made.  For information only.  

         7. Room cleaning and Sanitization also presented by Rick Kopeck. Rick asked all members to “BUY INTO”the room cleaning and sanitation protocols as set down by league executive over one and a half years ago. For the league to  
            to be viable and not closed down due to Covid 19 we as members have to keep vigilant and do our part to keep the virus at bay. Washing of jerseys, cleaning our stalls after each session with BLUE CLEANER so as to cut down on 
            accumulation of the disinfectant used to sanitize  the locker room was also discussed by Rick.  This presentation was for information only with no motion made. 

        8. Referee update presented by Brian Obed. Brian asked all members to join in and do their share to make sure we have two referees per game. There were 140 players playing in the first session in September. ONLY 49 MEMBERS DID THE    
           REFEREEING!!!!! WE need more members to referee!!!! There was 1 game with no referee, 14 games with only 1 referee.  Brian also mentioned that ALL GAMES MUST START ON TIME as  Darren must start his other 
          clients on time. If we are late it sets his other bookings back. referees have to pay attention to wall clock behind time keeper’s bench to ensure start times are adhered to. presented for information only. no motion made. 

        9. Golf. Presentation made by Harve Birns. Harve Birns, Bruce Meilicke and Brian Obed are the executive members responsible for 60+ annual golf tourney. Harve let all players who have paid for the golf tournament which 
            which did not occur because of Covid will have their golf fees returned by Brian  Sinclair if asked to do so by individuals who request it.  Presented for information only.  No motion made.  

       10. Stall Allocations. Presented by Michael Cebryk.  
                                                                                        A. In order for a member to keep his assigned stall the member MUST pay $30 membership fee AND play at least 3 sessions during the playing year from Sept. to end of April.  
                                                                                        B. Members on the sub. list must relinquish the use of their assigned stall to FULL TIME PLAYERS until a return to full time play occurs.  
                                                                                        C. Members who have relinquished their stall because of BUSINESS OR HEALTH ISSUES will have their stall assigned to another full time player. Stall will be returned to absent member  
                                                                                             upon his return to play. 
                                                                                        D. Goalies have priority in stall assigning because of the amount and bulkiness of their equipment; also it can be seen as an enticement to attract new goalies. 
                                                                                        E. Any stall sharing……. stall name tags……. etc. arrangements MUST be made through Michael BEFORE such arrangements are made. 
                                                                                        F. There are many inactive names on the stall waiting list posted on the White Board. As discussed at the Oct. 5 executive meeting these names will be removed from waiting list as of Nov.1 
                                                                                            2021. A new list will be posted on White Board reflecting the shorter wait time for full time members to get a stall assigned to them.  
                                                   No motion made. for information only. 

        11. New Business. 
                                      A. Christmas Party. To be held on Dec.14, 2021 at Western Development Museum with cocktails at 6:00 P.M. supper to begin at 6:30 and program to start at approximately 7:00. Cost will be $50-$55 per person. 
                                           max. seating for 150 people as set by WDM. 
                                      B. Request made by Ken Crump for members who want to be on Sub. List to include their availability…….days and dates available……days and dates not available etc. 
                                      C. Charities. A suggestion was made by Ken Crump that we set a minimum donation amount of $500 per designated charity depending on Covid circumstances. In order that the league can be counted on for a minimum 
                                           donation amount per assigned charity per session.  We can raise more through 50/50 draw but our minimum will be established at $500 per charity per session.  
                                      D. 60+ Web Site. Phil MacIntyre made presentation to members regarding establishing the 60+ hockey league we site. The site will be similar to but different from the 50+ website. Portions of the site will be password  
                                          protected, such as telephone numbers as seen in our directory; general information such as general league outline and information will be able to be accessed by the general public.  More information to follow 
                                          as progress is made. 
                                     E. 80+ induction. Dave Hume provided update on 80+ induction ceremony to be held on April 9,  2022.  A total of 20 inductees from 2020, 2021 and 2022 to be honoured. Specific information will be forthcoming  
                                          regarding visitors, times and places for events as more information is finalized.  
                                     F. 60+ constitution. Dave Hume presented some information regarding the 60+ constitution. It is based in part on the 50+ constitution. Copies of the 60+ constitution was forwarded to members quite a while ago 
                                         so as to gain feedback on viability of this document.  To date the has not been any feedback from members and no questions from the”floor”. As more fine tuning is done information will be dispensed to members. 
                                         Motion to accept new business made by Ron Zamko and seconded by  Howie Benderski. Motion carried. 
                                     G. A request was made by Ken Crump that a committee be struck to look at the feasibility of 60+ locker room expansion. motion made by Ken Crump and seconded by Harve Birns.  motion carried.  
                                    H. Nominations from the floor for new executive members.  Request for nominations for new executive members from “the Floor” was requested by Ken McKnight. Request made three times; no nominations made;  
                                         motion made by Ken McKnight that current executive be instated by acclimation. seconded by Fred Wilson.  motion carried.  

         AGM ADJOURNED AT 5:00 P.M.