This Award, in the name of Freddie Dawes, is given to Members or Friends of the 60+ Hockey league who either play, referee or support our League in such a manner that exemplifies fair play, emphasis fun for everyone and shows ability to help Coordinate and Support league Activities in a Professional and Healthy Manner.
Freddie Dawes passed away a quite few years ago and we miss him immensely—he wore 1916 on his sweater underlying his year of birth. He played when he was ninety, he was a gifted athlete, superb hockey player and fan, respected the game and was loved and respected by all. He was best known as Mr. 60+ Hockey.
2023 Gibson/Epp

Ernie Epp for service on the 60+ board, fund raising (Haiti earthquake) and organizing 80+ induction games with young women teams as our competition.
Rod Gibson for his skilled camera/video work for two Induction events (2018/2022) and was the crew boss for a major renovation for our dressing room. He also books the band for the banquet each year.
Thanks for your contributions and congratulations to both of you!
2022 Hume/McFadyen
Dave Hume

Everyone knows Dave—a great guy, a very good defensemen, beautiful skater, best “holder” in the League; what I mean by that—if you ever stood in front of his net; it’s a guarantee that there would be a big bear-hug to follow. And then he would say—Sorry!
He of course is on our Executive as head of Player Safety; trainer for the AED and CPR, our lead in our Picture Directory, upkeep of our league Constitution and of course Western Canada Director for the Canadian 80+ Hall of Fame. A very busy man! Plus I know he’s very involved in the Special Olympics.
Dave, like Darrell stepped up when asked and took on the role of Co-Chair for the Canadian 80+ Hall of Fame induction Game and Banquet held this past April 23 right here in Saskatoon. A huge success and we can’t thank him enough.
Yes—it takes 60 other volunteers in this room to run the operation; but you need leaders—leaders who committed for approximately 6 months.
Leaders who constructed a wonderful afternoon at Merlis Belcher Place and then the Induction/ Banquet at the WDM.
His responsibilities were to organize and work with the Merlis Belcher Place in planning both games and activities and making sure the 80+ Inductees were treated extremely well; while working closely with the 80+ Hall of Fame in Ottawa.
Together with a great bunch of volunteers; we experienced two great hockey games; one very successful 80+ Induction Game; Big Name officials in Cianna Leiffers and Kerry Fraser, wonderful Dignitaries, a fantastic 50/50 and a whole bunch of Guests and Old Pros and of course Fans
Darrell McFadyen

Darrell McFadyen was the other CO-Chair who went out of his way to plan, coordinate and run the financial end as well as overlook the program at the WDM.
Darrell—another good hockey player and a wonderful 60+ League Volunteer.
Many of you saw the Sponsor Booklet which was a huge money maker and did the Sponsors Proud and most of you experienced the Tremendous Silent Auction Items that were displayed. Again, Darrell lead that charge in making sure that the dollars were collected, the sponsors treated properly and the Silent Auction Items and Door Prizes were 1st class.
Yes—there were many in this room that did that work and we can’t thank you enough; but everyone needs direction and a plan.
The Banquet and Induction Evening right here at the WDM; with 650 attending; a fantastic Meal, Speakers, Guests, Old Pros, Dignitaries plus much more made the Evening One You Will Never Forget! The work he did leading up to it; you knew it would be a huge success.
Howie Benderski

- Everyone wants to be like Howie—a straight shooter and a wonderful individual.
- He turned 80 on March 18
- Broke his back many years ago while dumping off a quad bike
- Thought he would never walk again; but returns to play goal; the toughest position on the ice
- Plays twice a week
- Thought he would never walk again; but returns to play goal; the toughest position on the ice
- Plays twice a week
- Volunteers to go to every tournament
- Loves the game and the game loves him
- Always smiles even though his goal against average is 19
- Have you ever saw him down following a game? Can’t stop smiling.
- The other day he says to me when he was coming off the ice—” I was six saves away from getting my first shut-out!
- A joy to be around.
- A true volunteer and never says “ NO”.
Ron Zamko
- Ron turned 82 in August
- Once a Fireman—probably why he has the strength and ability to keep going
- Too many injuries to mention in such a short period of time.
- Would play three times a day if we would let him
- Never turns down an opportunity to play or help sub when needed.
- Expensive to have in our league—as we had to purchase a fork-lift to get him up a few times per game.
- Still has a great glove hand
- Did a great job in helping us coordinate sponsors for the 2018– 80+ Hall of Fame we held here in Saskatoon.
- Another Volunteer who never says No.
- Guess—who painted the lines for parking at Schroh in 2018. And that was on Gravel.
Rick Kopeck
We could describe Rick as quiet, confident, well respected, a tremendous volunteer and one who gives back immensely.
Rick has served on the Executive for many years in various capacities; the main two being your Goalie Coordinator and the other in charge of developing all the cleaning/sanitizing/Covid guidelines and protocols for our league.
Covid-19 came quick in early 2020 as we all scampered back to Saskatoon wondering what will happen next?
Rick took on the task of developing the guidelines, protocols, purchasing cleaning machines, chemicals and even instructing via seminars—how and why we do it this way.
And like I said—He was Passionate. Protocols as defined by Rick were—not just for Covid but for all bugs. We now have the cleanest best smelling dressing room in all of Hockey.
When his thoughts turned to Cleaning and Sanitizing Hockey Equipment—he checked all around and finally found a machine in Calgary. These machines are $15-$20,000 new and he found one that was slightly used in Calgary. Hopped in his truck and went and bought it and hauled it back to Saskatoon –for $4000. These machines are good for Thousands of washes and this one only had about 200. What a find.
And he was instrumental in procuring the world- renowned cleaning machine together with an anonymous donor –an electrostatic equipment machine for our dressing room. These machines are extremely hard to find anywhere in the world—designed for hospitals, schools, professional sport club dressing rooms, restaurants and other major sanitation projects. An unbelievable machine that guarantees 97% covid free.
Rick—is and always will be a valuable asset to our Executive and this league.
His contributions are never ending, the list is huge—Cleaning, Guidelines and Protocols, Goalie Coordinator, Procurement of the 80+ sweaters, making videos and playing goal as well as forward or defense.