Goalie Minutes


  1. Recorder – Ken Jacobi – to be edited and distributed by Mike Rohatynsky and Peter Rolston
  1. Additions to the Agenda – Safety
  • Respect for the blue paint area in the crease
  • Goalie territory and interference
  • Puck to the helmet
  1. Age Limitations

There was much discussion on age limitations as it is a 60+ league

Goalies are very much needed and so far, everyone has what they wanted for time slots – there are 2 spares

There is to be no age limit however it was suggested that new underage players be added to the spare list first and then incorporated into the schedule as needed – there may need to be discussion within our group if new underage players are to be added

  1. Goalies Switching Ends – ½ Time/ Not at All / Lopsided Play

There was much discussion on switching and why – fatigue, strong play in one end, lopsided score, abilities, and what level of team you are playing

There were 5 members who felt we should not change ends at all

There were 5 members who felt it should be determined by the goalies prior to the games start as to when they might switch ( ½ time – lopsided play )

There were 2 members who felt not at all or lopsided play change would be ok

All felt it should NOT be mandated but should be discussed prior to start of play

  1. Goalie Schedule

All goalies should get their information to the co-ordinators as soon as possible so schedule can be drawn up – so far everyone has what they wanted

Spare List has 2 names

  1. Fill in Games

Fill in games are done by the goalies already in the schedule – Fill Ins are chosen by the amount of play they are scheduled for with first option to the goalies with the least amount of play

  1. Sub List

There are 2 goalies on the spare list

Fill Ins do not pay for the games they fill in on

Spares pay for the games they play

  1. Emails

Please respond to emails or texts as soon as possible as this makes scheduling and recruitment for fill in games easier

Please check whether the email needs a single response or a response to all

  1. Goalie Coordinator – Jan – April 2023

Rick to help Peter for new session

Volunteers could start learning the position and then help out