Our substitute directory on this website will be maintained by:
Grant Miller grant.miller@shaw.ca
Email Grant: if you want on or off the sub list for Division A, B or C OR if there are phone# or email changes to the sub list.
Division A
Note * This red email button requires an app such as Apple, Outlook, Windows, Gmail, etc., to be set up for handling email on your cellphone, tablet, or computer.
Note* This blue email button only copies the email addresses on a right mouse-click you can then paste into a web browser for email.
**When looking for a sub please use the above Primary Sub List first (we want those on this sublist to have first shot a playing). If you are having trouble finding a sub or are in need of a sub on short notice you may also try the Supplementary Sub List below that includes full time players that are also willing to sub.
Division B
**When looking for a sub please use the above Primary Sub List first (we want those on this sublist to have first shot a playing). If you are having trouble finding a sub or are in need of a sub on short notice you may also try the Supplementary Sub List below that includes full time players that are also willing to sub.
Division C