With the influx of new players joining the 60+ hockey league, it is important for everyone to understand the philosophy around which our league was created.
The 60+ league has 4 cornerstones in its foundation. In order of priority, they are:
2) Exercise
3) Friendship and Socializing
4) Spirit of friendly competition
Our league is unique in its approach to the game that we love to play. Hockey is a game that is a combination of both emotion and skill, and sometimes it is rewarding, but also, it can be quite frustrating. Unfortunately, these frustrations create negative emotions which are verbalized in criticism directed at the officials, teammates and/or opponents.
If these 4 cornerstones of our league are contrary to how you wish to play hockey in our 60+ league, we offer the following: a) take some time away from the game to re-evaluate your beliefs, or b) find another more competitive league in which to play.
We have a spirit of sportsmanship and respect for each other, regardless of talent level. Each of us needs to show respect to our fellow members, in order to receive respect in return from our team-mates. We need to respect each other on the basis of sportsmanship and comradery, rather than on talent level.
There is no room in this league for players who insist on directing derogatory comments at officials, team-mates or other members of the league. We are here to play hockey and have fun.
To the new members – Welcome. We hope you enjoy this new ‘brotherhood’ . We are part of the only organization of its kind in Canada and are extremely proud of what we have.
Our 60 plus hockey league prides itself in welcoming players of all skill levels .
Our membership is only limited by ice availability and change room availability .
So if you’re 60 years old or older …. male or female …… You are welcome to join our league….. No matter what your skill level is.
Our mission is to play safe play in the manner of friendly competition.
So play in a manner which will encourage sportsmanship, safety and fairness. We are here to play and enjoy hockey and be able to go home in as good or better condition as when we started our hockey day.
The league is structured to promote safety, physical and social benefits. We are here to participate and enjoy the physical and the social aspects of the game and to promote the safety aspects the league has mandated.
The league has volunteers to make the current day to day operations run as smoothly and safely as possible. There is also an emphasis on making the league available and attractive to players in the future.
So, a cooperative attitude to maintain a healthy and safe environment, while playing hockey is a central theme for players involved in the league for the present as well as in the future
Therefore the league needs volunteers for the league to function and for the activities outside of the scheduled playing time. A thought to remember “this is not a me league, it is a we league for us now and for those that want to play after us.
We encourage members to volunteer to help run the league efficiently.
See you on the ice.