Dressing Room Stalls

The stall coordinator is Michael Cebryk. (click to email)

Stall Reminders

For everyone:

Numerous stalls are allocated by me every session and stalls are constantly changing. Most of you are in the same stall but others are on the move. I use the Stall Allocation Protocol to determine which stalls players use.

Please remember to clean your stall as per League Protocol, found here: Cleaning the stalls. Everyone should clean their stalls regularly.

Please LEAVE THE NAME PLATES, DO NOT MOVE THEM. This is how I know I am getting the correct player in the correct stall and I have the name plates of the players not playing. Name plates will be changed by me as needed.

 The stall is for your use when you are a FULL TIME PLAYER in any session.
If you are not a full time player you are asked to empty your stall, clean it and it will be assigned to a player on the stall waiting list who is playing full time.

We all have a job to do to protect our dressing room and keep it clean and tidy. Plus keep costs down by assuring we all do our part:

  • Be sure and check the door to make sure it’s locked if you are the last person to leave
  • Shut the shower off after use. Surely the guy next in line can turn it on.
  • Garbage bags are in the drawer-take the garbage out
  • Empty cans go in the storage room-bags are in the drawers
  • Crush your cans- storage space is limited
  • Take off the tabs–can is still worth 10 Cents without the tab. Believe it or not; tabs create $$ for charities and can buy wheel chairs.
  • There is a can for tabs on the counter in the main room and another by the fridge in the addition.

Thank you for your cooperation.

October Stall Allocation

John DishkoDave Beckman50+
Garth Kerpan34Dale Johnston
Brian Renwick283Brian Rittwage50+
Daryl HaeuslerJim Christian232
Alan York31Stephen Klette11
Rick Schryer204Jake Dyck90
Terry RedpathRoss Wiebe21
Ross Johnson213Brian Fleming19
Bob HabetlerScott McKenzie94
Ian Buchan270Robert Ligtermoet101
Garry Pozniak217Kelly Antoniuk50+
Rod Churchman242Todd Jarvis102
Carl Thoma243Rich Meier107
Rick Mortensen268Evert Van Olst86
Garry Holmes
Terry Joyes
Carl Lehmann272
Blair Cummins
Jeff Jones280
Bill Dyck290
Peter Freimanis
Garth Dignean248
Larry Grozell
Jim Clarke10
Kieren Kilduff30
Mick Hobman39
Brad MacIntosh50+
Mike Lucas40
Todd Peterson46
Greg Zdunich
Terry Novakovski51
Garth Hackl238
Brad Thorimbert63
Al Labine70
Larry Friesen265
Murray Weinkauf87
Fred Kwan231
Jeff Friesen
Phil Rochon261
Paul Millette72
Mark Morrison82
Allan Brezinski282
Blaine Unger211

Dressing Room Stalls September 2024

1Dennis Puff41Rick Philips81Al McDougall
2Dennis Klath42Jerry Demeria82Al Irvine
3Tim Leis43Kaz Pacholik83Tex Klassen
4Bruce Meilicke44Roger Hale84Ernie Epp
5Steve Terlesky45George Wilson85Dan Salter
6Michael Cebryk46Merv Grosse86Ron Mateheson
7Murray Taylor47Dan Mellish87Gerry Weinkauf
8Armound Meacher48Dave Hume88Brian Sinclair
9Tom Bentley49John Grismer89Harve Birns
10Ray Sladek50Ed Haussecker90Hugh Hubenig
11Ron Fairbrother51Ron Ritz91Frank Shychoski
12Ken Crump52Jim Hodgson92Buck Blandford
13Marv DeckGOAL53Terry Cook93Don Reimer
14Ray Jeffrey54Rick Burton94Bob Morrison
15Jim Greenshields55Charles Renny95Spencer Early
16Brian Haines56Peter Wilkins96Rod Gibson
17Gary Ayotte57Bob Aebig97Ken McKnight
18Daryl Gillings58Peter Stroh98Gord Pierce
19Marty Schafer59Charles Simpson
20Larry Rachinsky60Brian Obed100Dave Babey
21Jim Steele61Garry Johnston101Roger Huston
22Doug Bartake62Terry Davie102Al Haubrich
23Fred Wilson63Dom Corbett103Larry CookGOAL
24Arvid Nillson64Howie BenderskiGOAL104Martin Altwaiser
25Barry Friesen65Cary Humphrey105Rob Jule
26Gary Stevens66Al Wekerle106Doug DuncanGOAL
27Stan Halliwell67Ken McCoy107Ken Menz
28Howard Rankin68Ron Fisher108Larry Lukey
29Ed Konotopsky69Brian Sawatsky109Rick KopeckGOAL
30Gary Young70Paul Franklin110Casey Bowers
31Phil Johnson71Larry Kaban111Darrell Nordstrom
32Joe Burnett72Alvin Kolach112Michael RohatynskyGOAL
33Bill Dustin73Don Krawchuk113Terry ZlipkoGOAL
34Dennis Moore74Jack Langille114Ken Clarke
35Bruce Leech75Don Cote115Peter RolstonGOAL
36Peter Martens76Bob WilsonGOAL116John Martens
37Scott Grant77Claude Georget117Jim WilsonGOAL
38Bill Brown78Rob McHanson118Cary HewittGOAL
39Mike Cherwenuk79John Behme
40Ron Dagert80Darrell McFadyen
Stall #Assigned toStall #Assigned toStall #Assigned to
200Terry Hymers238Trent Koehler276Larry Walker
201Martin Erlandson239Garry Prediger277Dale Parker
202Ken JacobiGoalGOAL240Don Lewendon278Bill Turnbull
203Dave Riggs241Dwight Makaroff279Neil MacIntyre
204Darren Schroh242Perry Polishchuk280Stan Johnson
205Murray Gronsdal243Ken Sutherland281Ed Pieczonka
206Don Griffith244Bill Orban282Jim Wassermann
207Bill Dean245Robby Chan283Brian Berquist
208Dave Westgard246Phil MacIntyre284Reg Patterson
209Allan Henry247Scott Elliott285Brian Harmsworth
210Noel Craddock248Don Cruse286Lester Cey
211Dave Spencer249Mike Gawley287Al Hoffmann
212Doug Davis250Kelly Kehoe288Kevin Carswell
213Bob Paisley251Terry Lay289Morley Norton
214Gerry Bonsal252HughKurz290Drew Britz
215GOAL253Ian Whyte291Lloyd Streifel
216Ken Dixon254Jim Rolston292Jim Merriam
217Dale Hoffman255Sam Guspodarchuk293Grant Miller
218Don Johannesson256Kelly Powell294Scott Yausie
219Dennis Frey257Robert Knuttila295Kirk Love
220Eldon MacKay258Jonathan NickleGOAL
221John Dyck259Dwayne Spratt
222Daryl Jorgenson260Clarence Norton
223Ken Ramler261Mike Baribeau
224Barry ThomasGoalGOAL262Russ Hynes
225Chuck Hainsworth263Gary Entwistle
226Jim Johnston264Les Mills
227Gary Crawford265Rod Meier
228Pat McAdam266Neil Ketilson
229Wes MacPherson267Marvin Mountney
230Wayne Kowalski268Al Lingel
231Mike Brannen269Bryan Busby
232Cecil Dust270Reid Corbett
233Paul Tremblay271John Brand
234Gib HolmesGoalGOAL272Wayne Bell
235Rod Massett273Rick Holtom
236Dale Babiuk274Glen Willick
237Guy KendryGoalGOAL275Doug DoulanGOAL

Cleaning the Stalls

You clean your vehicle because you see the dirt.

The difference with the stall is you do not see the dirt (bacteria and other nasty stuff) however you might smell it.

If your equipment or towels or your stall has a smell it isn’t sweat, it’s the excrement of the bacteria and its friends.

So this is how you get rid of the bacteria and friends from your stall:

Step 1. Get the red pail from under the counter. The pail should have disposable gloves, scrub pads, and a large sponge.

Step 2. Get a Bioesque hand sprayer. Have enough Bioesque in the bottle to be able to spray a layer of Bioesque on all stall surfaces.

Step 3. Empty your stall of all your hockey equipment and accessories.

Step 4. Spray Bioesque on all stall surfaces then use the scrub pads to scrub down those nasty surfaces. 

Step 5. Use the large sponge and water to rinse the stall surfaces.

The Scrubbing breaks down the buildup of those nasty bacteria and a film that protects them called biofilm.

Now you should have a more pleasant-smelling stall.

For your equipment, socks, jock etc. we have the cleaning Machine in the Shroh office (you can clean your equipment while you clean your stall). Ask anyone in the office how it works, simple and easy process.

You might end up smelling like a rose and skating faster because of the reduced weight of your equipment.

Stay Healthy.

Stall Allocation Protocol:

September 01, 2024

  1. To maintain a permanent stall, a player must pay his annual membership fee, payable in September.
  2. If a player with a permanent stall is not playing full time in a session he will be required to give up his stall to a full-time player.
  3. A player with a permanent stall who is on sick/injury or business leave. Must keep the Stall Coordinator informed of his status at the beginning of the 60+ Season (September). His stall will be held till he returns.
  4. A player on the Stall Waiting List:
  • who is not playing in the current season
  • Can maintain his position on the Stall Waiting List by paying his annual membership fee, payable in September.
  • If his membership is not up to date he will be removed from the list.
  1. Goalies receive priority for permanent stalls.
  2. Hockey bags are not to be left overnight in the dressing room.
  3. Any player not playing in a session must empty and clean his stall, according to Stall Cleaning Protocols.
  4. A player cannot take an open stall, nor can a player with a permanent stall give his stall to another player without contacting the Stall Coordinator.

To be placed on the Stall Waiting List or with any questions or concerns you may have.

Contact me at: mcebryk@sasktel.net

Thank You for your cooperation