Welcome Letter 2024-2025

Hi Everyone and Welcome Back—looks like September Hockey is ready to go. For some—It’s been a long haul and I’m sure everyone is excited to get back on the ice. Congrats to all the players who played Summer Hockey and to All those going to Quebec City. Take a look at the following which outlines the schedule dates, short weeks, etc. to help out with those planning some holidays:

 2024/ 2025 Session Timelines: Note –4 Sessions of two months- Sept 2024 till the end of April 2025. The good news is you can sign up for both months or just one month in the Session. So, Armond Meagher’s group will do a new schedule and roster each month!!!

  • Session 1Sept 3-Oct 25, 2024-( 8 weeks /16 games).  (Sept 3-27) and (Sept 30-October 25). (No games Monday Sept 2- Labour Day Long Weekend). We will play games Monday Oct 14-Thanksgiving).
  • Session 2Oct 28-Dec 20, 2024-( 8 weeks / 16 games). (Oct 28-Nov 22) and (Nov 25-Dec 20). We will play Remembrance Day—Monday Nov 11. We will stop play that morning at 11:00 am for a “ Moment of Silence and Remembrance “.

No games Dec 23—Dec 27/ 2024 and No games Dec 30—Jan 3 / 2025—(Xmas and New Year’s Break). Note—2 weeks of break!! We will try to get some Xmas Holiday Ice Time from Darren over the Xmas Period for those wishing to play. Stay tuned!

  • Session 3—Jan 6-Mar 7, 2025-( 8 weeks / 16 games. (Jan 6-31) and (Feb 3-March 7). (No games the week of Feb 17-21/ 2025-Canadian Spring Break/ Darren has Kid’s camps all week).
  • Session 4Mar 10—May 2/ 2025-( 8 weeks / 16 games). (March 10-April 4) and (April 7—May 2/ 2025). We will play both days—Good Friday April 18/ 2025 and Easter Monday April 21/ 2025; same as we did in 2024.
  • Email Transfers for Fees and Membership. Reminder—Email Address for email payment is—Saskatoon60plushockey@gmail.com( Please use “plus” not + ). Check our Website on how to do the Email transfers easily. Sub fees are paid by cheque or cash only—deposit in the safe.
  • Protocols and Vaccinations—. Info available on our website. 
  • Player Safety-Helmets—they do have a shelf life! Check yours and update if required. Concussions are serious
  • Neck guards are Mandatory !!
  • Health Forminformation is available on our website please read carefully.
  • Refereesinformation and rules are available on our website. Everyone please make an effort to referee once each half. New players must attend a referee clinic once dates are announced.
  • Annual Membership Fees . Our Annual Membership Fees of $30 is paid by you only once per year. Everyone on our Google Groups and Website Directory lists must pay this Fee each year to remain on the mailing list, the Directories, the Website, sub lists and on the stall waiting list.
  •  60+ Website-The Website – Saskatoon60plushockey.net – has everything on it. Use it regularly please as it’s yours. Password– for the protected Directories is ________________.      
  • Enjoy and Play Safe!!     See you on the Ice!!!      Thx Ken C

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