Hi Guys and welcome to another season of 60+ hockey. I’ve been busy with a multitude of other distractions but am back in the saddle now and ready to be a scratch that won’t itch when it comes to our refereeing needs and information. Thanks to Ken for getting things started for the first session.

First off, thanks to the guys that have already taken care of their minimum requirement for referee support. That being said, we are off to a slow start in covering the games with 2 refs. In the first week we had 5 games that only had 1 referee. Much easier if we’ve got 2. It offers better and more accurate coverage. I’m going to call out the guys who will be going away for much of the winter. Your absence does not exempt you from your obligation to cover 1 game before and after Xmas. So get it in now. Looking at the schedules for the balance of the month, there are a ton of openings that need filling.  For the new players in the league, as I mentioned above, we expect each man to referee at least 1 game each half season. 

Also, as mandated in the registration form, you will be required to attend a ‘ Referee Seminar’ to introduce you to what we are looking for when you do ref. Although some rules are covered, this is more of an orientation meeting to make clear the spirit of our league. Look for a notice of the first meeting date to be posted, on the board in the locker room, very shortly. 

A big reminder, that neck guards MUST BE WORN  by all on the ice during a game.THIS INCLUDES THE REFEREES. Anybody failing to have on sanctioned neck protection will be asked to leave the ice until they have a neck guard on.It is important to point out that these neck guards must be worn in a manner that offers the protection for which they are designed. In the last couple days I have observed some players wearing them very loosely around their neck, leaving the neck area completely exposed. Please don’t make one of our refs have to be the bad guy and ask you to leave because of this. You all know. No excuses.  

That’s all for now. Support the league and get your name in to cover a game. It’s not indicated on the current sign up sheets, but going forward each game will have a skill designation beside it, ( A, B, or C), so you can officiate a game with which you are comfortable. Thanks for your support in this.


Referee in Chief

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