Regarding Officiating

A reminder that we have 2 Ref seminars scheduled this week. Wed. the 25th and Fri. the 27th, both at 10:00am. 

Should last about an hour. If you haven’t already, try to attend one.

   Some Ref coverage numbers for your information.

1) # of Games Played:  54. This represents about 19% of our schedule for the half up to Christmas

2) # of Different Referees: 52. Represents about 22% of available players

3) # that have reffed more than the required 1 game: 17. Represents 33% of those that have reffed

4) # of games with 1 Ref: 16. Represents 30% of our games

5) # of games with no Ref: 0.

 Some of the things that these numbers mean to me:

– 52 different refs shows, we are off to a good start as long as the participation level is maintained.

– 16 games with only 1 ref is very high and opportunities missed to get your game in. 

– We have approx. 240 players on teams or spare lists for September and this total looks to go up for October. As the half wears on your chances to get a game in, will diminish. So, don’t wait, get a game in now. Those of you heading south soon, should be looking at the sign up sheet closely. There are still some openings next week. How about it? 

– We have 0 games that didn’t have a ref, but I know that on at least a couple occasions, somebody stayed to ref a game they didn’t sign up for. A really BIG thanks to those guys.

We all know it’s better to play when we have officials, so do your part and sign up to do a game. We’re just looking for 1 game per player per half. it’s not too much to ask.

Thanks for your cooperation


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