80+ H of Fame

The Saskatoon 60+ Hockey League is inducting approximately 20 players into the 80+  Hockey Hall of Fame on April 23 2022. The 80 Plus Hockey Hall of fame is a National,  nonprofit organization which recognizes active recreational hockey players 80 years of  age and older. This is a Historic National event and is being hosted by the 60 + Hockey  League here in Saskatoon for the second time. Can you imagine guys aged 80 and older  still playing hockey? They are a special group. Many of them are from in and around  Saskatoon.  

Each of the new members of the “Hall” will be inducted according to knighting protocols  using a vintage wooden hockey stick. A certificate of recognition will be presented to  each inductee. 

A whole day of celebration is planned, including a hockey game with some 75 year old  “ringers” and our 80 year olds playing against a local Bantam Girls team. There will be a second game featuring a game between the new and previous inductees, with both  games being played at Merlis Belsher Arena on Campus. There will also be a banquet  and the induction ceremony in the evening, starting at 5:30 at the Western  Development Museum.  

There are significant costs to our 60 + Hockey League in hosting this event. In order to  recoup some of our costs, we will be having a silent auction.  

I am asking if you would like to donate an item that we could put in our silent auction.  Your organizations name will be recognized at the banquet. 

Jerry Demeria  

Ph: 306 250 6807 

Em: j.demeria@sasktel.net

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