Special Membership Meeting

Recap of the Saskatoon 60+ Hockey league’s Special Membership Meeting

Held-June 20/ 2023 at the WDM

Hi Everyone: A big thank you to all for the fantastic attendance; thanks to the Executive for their Support and of course the Expansion Committee-Brian Sinclair, Buck Blandford, Dave Hume, Ken Crump and lead by your Vice-President-Harve Birns. Thanks again to Harve Birns for being the Meeting Moderator.

Recap highlites as follows:

$60,000 Forgivable Loan:

– The Saskatoon 60+ League will provide Schroh Arenas with a $60,000 forgivable loan paid as follows:

– Schroh Arenas will build the shell ( roughly 26’ x 30’ ), complete the outside and roof, install an escape/outside door, provide heat, lights, electrical and black matting on the floor plus complete the inside walls with Gyproc and plywood.

– It’s our bill to complete the inside with stalls, storage or whatever we wish to add. Built to the same standards as our present dressing room.

– the 60+ Hockey League will receive a 6  year free rent on the new addition dressing room.

-Schroh Arenas will guarantee the 60+ League 4 ice times daily from Monday till Friday each week of the season between the hours of 8:30 am till 2:30 pm.

– Payments of the $60, 000 will be made to Schroh Arenas Ltd. as per the following schedule:

– $20, 000 upon completion of the concrete foundation

– $10,000 when the construction is 50% complete

– $30,000 on substantial completion of the construction

– A signed document between Schroh Arenas guaranteeing our $60,000 is being drawn up and will be available shortly.

– Occupancy on or before July1, 2024

How do we raise $60, 000 and Stall Rules Clarification

  • A one-time $300 fee for each active player who wishes to Maintain or Will Obtain a permanent stall in the 60+ dressing room with a declining refundable clause. 
  • If you play one year—refund is $250
  • If you play 2 years—refund is $200
  • And so on—if you play 6 years—zero refund.
  • We will let you know when this payment is due.
  • Any player joining the league that wishes a stall—they will pay to the 60+ league—$300.
  • Present stall owners will probably pay sometime in late August and new stall owners when we know the total stalls available. We will inform you when we’re ready to receive payment.
  • Present stall owners ( goalies and players wishing to move to another stall ); will have preference.
  • Then the seniority list will be followed in order as per the stall coordinator’s protocols— currently, Michael Cebryk.

Although the vote of support at the Special Membership Meeting is one of many steps for this project to be realized, it is no small thing to have the strong membership buy-in that was indicated at this meeting.  As we move forward with the many steps, we are committed to keeping the membership informed along the way.

Once again everyone –thanks for your support and attendance.

Ken C

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