Category: Dressing room

  • Wet Hockey Stuff

    To the best players in the world: There has been some recent complaints about wet towels and undergarments in some of the stalls throughout the room.I don’t think there is enough attention to the health and welfare of the group.There seems to be a relaxed attitude when it comes to the effort we all started…

  • Stall Allocation January 2025

    Those players using a temporary stall can find the information on the website here: January 2025 Stall Allocation Reminder if you are not playing full time in any session please remove your equipment and clean your stall as per Stall Cleaning Protocol. Michael Cebryk

  • Emergency Exit Only

    Darren Schroh informed me that the new exit door in the Expansion Room –Stan Halliwell Wing-will be Alarmed soon. So, no entry or exit please by anyone Emergency Exit only–begins soon. Thx ken C

  • Stall allocation October And CARHA Waivers

    Stall Allocation for October: Dressing Room Stalls Some of you will need to move to a different stall. Please clean the stall according to the Stall Cleaning Protocol which is on the website. All Division C players have been allocated a stall. C Team Captains please let your players know they have a stall to…

  • Hockey Bags

    Hockey bags nor any other bags or items are NOT to be left on the floor. All bags are to be removed once you have filled your stall. And all personal items are to be hung in your stall.  Michael 

  • Fall Startup Remiders

    Gentlemen and hockey players.  Hopefully one and the same. 1.  Stalls are allocated to full-time players. Attention Summer Players and None Full-time players.If you are currently leasing (using) a stall that is not yours or you are not playing full-time in September.You are asked to depart the stall as it may be allocated to Full-time…

  • Dressing Room Stalls

    With respect to the stalls there are many stalls available for September. Remember if you are not playing full time, you are asked to clear your stall. If you are sparing or reffing, please let me know. You may be able to keep your stall for September. Email me directly at: Let me know…

  • Dressing Room Reminders

    We all have a job to do to protect our room and keep it clean and tidy. Plus keep costs down by assuring we all do our part: Ken C.

  • New Dressing Room Stalls

    On behalf of the 60 plus Hockey Expansion and Building Committees, I am pleased to announce the new expansion stalls arecompleted and ready to be occupied. We hope all those on the waiting list enjoy their new “digs” at 60 plus hockey.There are several items that need to be brought to your attention.RULES and REGULATIONS:Check and peruse …

  • Stall Selection Expansion

    Gentlemen The selection process will commence at 1:30 pm Wednesday May 1 at the rink. There are 86 stalls to be selected at this time. Goalies have 7 stalls. 3 stalls go to players displaced by the door and removal of a small corner stall. Total stall addition is 96. If you are on page…

  • Summer Stall Allocation

    Gentlemen My duties for stall allocation ends April 26.The target is to have the new room available mid May.The process for allocating the new stalls will be communicated shortly. In the mean time, before the new stalls get allocated, if you need a stall, you need to find an empty stall and to talk to…

  • Dressing Room Expansion

    Fellow Players.  As you might have heard, we finally are able to proceed with the stall construction in our new dressing room expansion. The Building Committee has made some initial beginnings. Several players have been inquiring about the opportunity to volunteer their services in the construction of the stalls.The Building Committee is meeting this coming Monday to discuss all…

  • Senior Day at Sask Tel Centre

    Thanks goes out to the organizers, coaches, and players of Senior Day at the Saskatoon Blades hockey game on Friday. Our mini- game was well received by the large crowd in attendance.  I believe our guys did a great job in representing our 60 plus league, and the longevity we offer to all players, to…

  • Neck Guards/Beer

    Neck Guards Seeing that we were unable to find a volume purchase; we will extend the neck guard mandate till the 15th of January. Please get one and hopefully you received one for Christmas. Player Safety is a Must in this league and we are being poroactive! So, get on the band wagon please. Beer/Pop Increase…

  • Wet Wear

    Several players have commented on the wet garments in some stalls throughout the room that don’t get taken home for a thorough cleaning after games.We’ve strived to keep the nasties at bay in the room by following the protocols adopted by us all when it comes to keeping the bugs at bay.We have to give…

  • Stall Construction

    The Stall Building Committee will be posting signup sheets, in a folder on the dressing room counter, for volunteer stall builders. (example included) The start-up dates will depend upon the readiness and availability of the new dressing room. The Committee is attempting to have a suitable crew for each day of stall construction.  The Committee…

  •    Stall Payments for Dressing Room

      STALL PAYMENTS and INFORMATION for EXPANSION of 60+ DRESSING ROOM All players, who are the waiting list for a dressing room stall, are now asked to submit their $300 stall fee to secure their stall. Permanent stall fees payments are now overdue. Deadline was November 15, 2023. All payments are to be made out to…

  • Dressing Room Expansion Fee

    The executive thanks all the member for the great turn out at the past Special General Meeting, regarding the dressing room expansion. Your support and endorsement for the agreements presented by the executive, between 60 plus Hockey and Schroh Arena Ltd., are much appreciated.  We are requesting all present permanent stall players to submit their…

  • Stall Fees

    All players with stalls #  1 -121—your $300 fee for your stall is due immediately please: As most of you can see; the Expansion is well on it’s way. Lookin good!! REMINDER—SIGN-UP FOR FULL-TIME FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER IS OCTOBER 6 – a week tomorrow. Sign-up sheets are in the dressing room or if you…

  • Great  West Brewery Beer Receipts

    Hi Guys: Just a reminder Great West is the beer sponsor for our league so when buying your beer products consider buying Great West products. For every 12  dozen  product bought we get  a free dozen this can be 6,12,18, 24 packs. There is a red coffee can by the beer fridge where you can…

  • Special Membership Meeting

    Recap of the Saskatoon 60+ Hockey league’s Special Membership Meeting Held-June 20/ 2023 at the WDM Hi Everyone: A big thank you to all for the fantastic attendance; thanks to the Executive for their Support and of course the Expansion Committee-Brian Sinclair, Buck Blandford, Dave Hume, Ken Crump and lead by your Vice-President-Harve Birns. Thanks…