New Dressing Room Stalls

On behalf of the 60 plus Hockey Expansion and Building Committees, I am pleased to announce the new expansion stalls arecompleted and ready to be occupied. We hope all those on the waiting list enjoy their new “digs” at 60 plus hockey.There are several items that need to be brought to your attention.
RULES and REGULATIONS:Check and peruse   the ‘Saskatoon60plus hockey’ website under LEAGUE INFORMATION…..scroll to  HEALTH GUIDEINES and then ‘Cleaning Protocols’ for important guidelines.****Cleanliness and sanitation are imperative in our large dressing room.****

HIGHLITES: All undergarments, towels and other personal items must be taken home after each game and washed. Jerseys and hockey socks need to be washed every week.All your equipment needs to be SPRAYED after very game. The spray bottles are located on the stall benches. Never leave any items on the floor. The dressing room will be cleaned and sprayed every two week on Fridays. Wear sandals to shower.
INFORMATION Two very important points:      First to enter the dressing room: Learn  the four digit code from a fellow player.      Last to exit the dressing room:  Turn off all lights and lock the door.The fire door is only to be used for unforeseen circumstances.Take pride in our dressing room. Cleanup after yourself. Pitch in and restock the beer fridges. Crunch your drink cans and deposit in containers suppled. Empty the garbage bags when filled in the outside container. Remove the drink cans and place in the storage room. Replace the liner bags. Report any damage or problems to an executive member.Best of all, enjoy the comradery and fellowship both on and off the ice.
Hope to see you at the rink tomorrow at 1:30 pm for your stall allocation.. You will pick a wall or centre aisle stall. Mike Cebryk will record the numbered stall you draw out. All name plate will be attached later that day. There will be no trading of stalls. Along with your stall allocation you will be given two double hooks to install. If you are absent, these hooks will be left on your shelf. Each stall has skate hangers. It is your prerogative to add additional hooks or paraphernalia, with sensibility, to further enhance your stall. You may use your stall immediately. 


if you get a chance over the next while. be sure to thank the members of the  Building Committee for their dedication, professional expertise, time, and effort they put into this project. The are to be congratulated for the 96 fantastic additional stalls.Building Committee: Al Wekerle, Bucky Blandford, Kaz Pacholik, Rod Gibson, Jim Greenshields.The work parties, involving many players, are to be also thanked for volunteering. A job well done.  Thanks to the guys that stepped forward, putting in extra time and effort. Guys like  Steve Terlesky. Casey Bowers, Neil Ketilson, Mike Cherwenuk, Pat McAdam, Ken Menz, Terry Hymers, and probably a few more I may have forgotten.Thanks to the executive, executive officers, and other members that preformed extra duties necessary for our expansion.

Harve Birns

Expansion Coordinator

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