Dressing Room Expansion

Fellow Players. 

As you might have heard, we finally are able to proceed with the stall construction in our new dressing room expansion. The Building Committee has made some initial beginnings. Several players have been inquiring about the opportunity to volunteer their services in the construction of the stalls.The Building Committee is meeting this coming Monday to discuss all the logistics of this project. 

Lucky for us , many of you signed up, some time back,  with overwhelming support to volunteer.. We will be asking for your help very soon.

 If you don’t get called because of obvious happenstance, it is because so many of you stepped up. 

Sometimes we just grab guys out of the dressing room for quick convenience and strong backs…

Now with actual construction, you will be called…If you see me wandering around the dressing room looking serious…be sure to hide.

Be assured,  we hope to complete and move in before the end of April. 

Also, as usual,  we will have our “year-end gathering” in the dressing room ( drinks and junk food) on April 26. Maybe a little more special this year.

Thanks in advance.

Harve Birns 

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