Category: Extra Curricular
Schedules – Game
The February 2025 schedule Will be out shortly with the Team RostersNote–no games the week of Feb 17–21 Canadian Spring BreakSo, the 4 weeks of Feb that we play are:Feb 3-7 / Feb 10–14 /Feb 24-28 / March 3–7 / 4 weeks/ 8 gamesNo games the week of Feb 17-21–Spring Break–Darren has CampsIn case you…
CKOM Interview
Harv, crushed his interview on the Evan Bray show today on: our league, 80 plus Canada Hockey Hall of Fame and international Hockey Summit. 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Evan is a friend and is absolutely blown away by the league and shared Harv did great. Be proud all who built, build, operate, played and play. You earned…
Xmas Party Tickets– $60 Jan/Feb Sign-up Booklet Subs Thx Ken C
Christmas Party
This is your 60+ Christmas Party Invitation for Dec 12–Thursday :Ticket costs is $60 per person
AGM/Christmas Party
AGM–Annual General Meeting is set for Tuesday October 15, 2024 at the WDM:Free Pizza at 2:45 pm. Meeting starts at 3:00 pm or a touch earlier. Be there as this is your league and you need to know what’s up and what’s coming up. See you all there. Mark your calendars! Christmas Party Date–Thursday Dec 12–WDM…
This years annual 60+ hockey tournament will again be held at The Legends Golf and Country Club in Warman on THURSDAY, JUNE 13.Shotgun start at 12 NOON. There is a sign up book in the dressing. The first 100 players to sign up and pay the fee will be guaranteed a spot. 1) Pay with check made out to…
Playmakers Tourney—Victoria
Congrats to all the guys that went. The 70+ went undefeated with Marv Deck getting 3 shut-outs. Wow!– Welll done guys. Thanks to Ken Menz and Brian Sinclair for organizing the 70+ guys. Thanks to Frank Shychoski for organizing the 80+ guys. These guys fought hard and had fun! Congrats to those 80 year olds…
Senior Day at Sask Tel Centre
Thanks goes out to the organizers, coaches, and players of Senior Day at the Saskatoon Blades hockey game on Friday. Our mini- game was well received by the large crowd in attendance. I believe our guys did a great job in representing our 60 plus league, and the longevity we offer to all players, to…
Annual Christmas Party
this is your official Invitation to attend the 2023 -60+ league’s Annual Christmas Party at the WDM: