Player Medical Forms


It’s a new year and we are back in business after a busy holiday season. Now, we need to visit the player medical forms once again. Rick Kopeck will be heading the sessions to provide the information on the medical form. This is a voluntary program but it would be most beneficial to all that you attend a session to hear more than just the med form but protocols necessary to the give the best medical attention that any of our players might need.

Please, just attend a session, if you already haven’t, and hear the information that could impact you. How and when to call an ambulance, knowing what you can do to assist the situation and concussion protocols are discussed. It’s 20-25 minutes that can possibly make a difference in someone’s life.

If you have updated your medical information, please amend the form you already have. I will have forms available to make the changes.

The forms are available on our website at:

Medical Form

Thanks for your attention and cooperation.

Dave Hume

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