Probably you have realized by now that February is a month of chaos with players missing in action, many injuries, holidays and we had to lose one ice time.:

  • In fact –we had to sign two more players from the waiting list as of yesterday/ last minute as we lost 2 again.
  • Of the top 25 on the waiting list , I could only find 6 and we needed 12 to make 20 teams; so we dropped the 21st ice time–“Poop happens”.
  • Subs look like a problem for February as well. Numbers are way down and guy s can’t find subs.”
  • So, please if you can and want to play one or two extra games a week to help out; email Grant Miller
  • If you are full-time–Ask him to put you on the Supplementary sub list of the Division you play..
  • You can’t be full-time and have your name on the Primary List-so choose the Supplementary List.
  • B Division guys–if you can help out and sub on C a little –we need you–C Division needs subs
  • Note–of the 42 on the Waiting List–only 2 are listed a C players and both are away!

Reminder--It’s your responsibility to email Grant Miller to get on or off the sub list:

  • So, check the sub lists on the Website and check often please.
  • Keep your status up to date and guys won’t be chasing ghosts.
  • injured or going away–take your name off and when ready to return–add

Thanks in advance for those wishing to step up!!

Ken C.

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