The February 2025 schedule Will be out shortly with the Team Rosters
Note–no games the week of Feb 17–21 Canadian Spring Break
So, the 4 weeks of Feb that we play are:
Feb 3-7 / Feb 10–14 /Feb 24-28 / March 3–7 / 4 weeks/ 8 games
No games the week of Feb 17-21–Spring Break–Darren has Camps
In case you are booking holidays–here is the rest of the year:
March—weeks of March10-14 / March 17-21 / March 24–28 / March 31–April 4– / 4 weeks / 8 games
April—- weeks of April 7-11 / April 14-18 / April 21-25 / April 28- May 2 / 4 weeks / 8 games
We’re done May 2 this year / get ready for Summer Hockey—/ resume regular play in September
Blade Game Feb 2 / 2025– 4:00 pm—Moose jaw Warriors:
Again–we’re featuring our 80+ guys between both periods
In fact 79 – 91 is our age group this year
Shortly there will be a ” Link” sent out to everyone-providing a discount on tickets–let you know shortly.
Be there and support the : Best league in Canada” and all our senior players!
In fact these guys are so good –we might just play Moose Jaw ourselves and let the Blades sit this one out !!
Ken C.
Great site