Referee Update

I’ve got an update on our referee numbers for the 23/24 season. They’re better but starting to slide. To date, during the post Christmas portion of the season, we have had 91 players officiate a game, with only 6 doing their first one this past week. 76 of the 91 have completed their obligation of doing 1 game each half. Thanks a bunch to them. That leaves 60 that reffed the first half that haven’t reffed the second and many more that haven’t reffed at all. As you know, we are going to experience a spike in players for the last 2 sessions of the year, with 170 in March and a whopping 190 in April. For those playing now, I urge you to get your game in asap so the players coming back for April will have an opportunity to get theirs in then. To those that ref regularly, thanks very much, but, I would ask you to not fill in available games too far in advance so as to take away games for those needing to get one in.Those that need to ref, please, step up now to fill the schedule. The ref schedule has been set up so that the level of the game is indicated next to the time and you can easily pick a game you are comfortable with.    On a different note, there are a couple points of interest. I’m going to have a Ref Clinic on March 18th at 9:00am followed by another in early April. Date to be determined. There will be a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board. You don’t have to sign there to attend, but if you could, it will give me a better idea how many to expect. Also, watch for a survey on the website to aid us in developing a plan going forward with the referee program. Thanks for your support in our efforts to provide a positive experience for all involved, in whatever capacity.


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