Category: League organizing
Executive Newsletters
Background Guidelines for Use Facebook Your executive are just volunteers trying to improve our league.
Sign-up for March
The sign-up book is on the counter for March/April full-time. Deadline is this Friday–Feb 14th.If you can’t get down to the rink to sign the book; contact Armond Meagher as per the following: Ken C.
Subs Needed
Probably you have realized by now that February is a month of chaos with players missing in action, many injuries, holidays and we had to lose one ice time.: Reminder–It’s your responsibility to email Grant Miller to get on or off the sub list: Thanks in advance for those wishing to step up!! Ken C.
Schedules – Game
The February 2025 schedule Will be out shortly with the Team RostersNote–no games the week of Feb 17–21 Canadian Spring BreakSo, the 4 weeks of Feb that we play are:Feb 3-7 / Feb 10–14 /Feb 24-28 / March 3–7 / 4 weeks/ 8 gamesNo games the week of Feb 17-21–Spring Break–Darren has CampsIn case you…
Players and Captains
Let’s make it easy by doing the following for the Jan/Feb/ 2025 Session: Captain’s responsibilities–please do the following: Player Responsibilities: Thanks everyone –so much easier for our Treasurer and Captains if we all pull in the same direction.Ken C
I have booked two ice times for line B players over our upcoming break. Game times are: 1. Monday Dec 23 @ 10 AM 2. Thursday Jan 2 @ 10 AM. Cost will be $20 for the two games. Please bring cash to first game. First 20 Line B players who reply will be the teams we make up.…
President Message
Hi Everyone–Just a follow-up to our findings at our Executive Meeting held Thursday November 14th.. Surprising that we have A)some Membership fees( $30) not paid, B) some Outstanding Sept/ October fees not paid and C) some waiver forms not signed:This applies to all subs, goalies and all full-time guys and everyone on the Website Directories:
CKOM Interview
Harv, crushed his interview on the Evan Bray show today on: our league, 80 plus Canada Hockey Hall of Fame and international Hockey Summit. 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Evan is a friend and is absolutely blown away by the league and shared Harv did great. Be proud all who built, build, operate, played and play. You earned…
Xmas Party Tickets– $60 Jan/Feb Sign-up Booklet Subs Thx Ken C
December Signings
FINAL DECEMBER SIGNINGS (210 PLAYERS) New Players at the end of the list (201 to 210)These players will make up the rosters for DECEMBER.No changes unless there are extenuating circumstances. Thanks Armond Email Armond at SIGNED DECEMBER 1 AEBIG, Bob 2 ALTWASSER, Marty 3 BABUIK, Dale 4 BARIBEAU, Mike 5 BARTAKE, Doug 6 BEHME, John…
Google Groups Final Notice
This is your first and last reminder to check the player directory to see that your information is correct. password is ____________ ————————————————————- Google Groups will soon be discontinued and disconnected from our league. We will be using the names and email addresses information from the player directory for a new mailing service. You must be…
CARHA and League Waivers
27 teams still have waivers to submit as of October 9th. 5 teams have no waivers signed. I need the waivers by the 18th of October. Every member of our league must complete both waivers. Your Benevolent Stall TsarMichael
The binder to sign up for November and or December is on the dressing room counter. -Please check one of the months or both months. -You can check two lines (A and B or B and C). This helps us if we have to move players to a different line to make an even number in a group. …
Supplementary Sub/Spare List
Attention all Division A & B full-time players: If you are interested in being on the website Supplementary Sub/Spare List for the Division you are playing in (and aren’t currently listed) please let me known by emailing me at with the following info: Name, Division you are playing in, phone number, email address. Attention Division C…
AGM/Christmas Party
AGM–Annual General Meeting is set for Tuesday October 15, 2024 at the WDM:Free Pizza at 2:45 pm. Meeting starts at 3:00 pm or a touch earlier. Be there as this is your league and you need to know what’s up and what’s coming up. See you all there. Mark your calendars! Christmas Party Date–Thursday Dec 12–WDM…
Website 2024-2025 Season
This email is for those new to our league and for those of us that have trouble remembering what they did last week. Our assistant website administrators are Grant Miller and Neil MacIntyre. Grant and Neil have complete administrative privileges for our website. Grant maintains the constantly changing sub page Neil MacIntyre maintains the player directory (and alumni) There are >300 players…
Fall Startup Remiders
Gentlemen and hockey players. Hopefully one and the same. 1. Stalls are allocated to full-time players. Attention Summer Players and None Full-time players.If you are currently leasing (using) a stall that is not yours or you are not playing full-time in September.You are asked to depart the stall as it may be allocated to Full-time…
Welcome Letter 2024-2025
Hi Everyone and Welcome Back—looks like September Hockey is ready to go. For some—It’s been a long haul and I’m sure everyone is excited to get back on the ice. Congrats to all the players who played Summer Hockey and to All those going to Quebec City. Take a look at the following which outlines…
Goalie Schedule
This Sept has been the most difficult schedule to make since I have been scheduling the goalies. There are a number of reasons for this. I would like to assure you that Doug Dolan and I are doing all that we can to make sure there is a goalie at each game. At present there is a goalie…
League Wrap-up
League Wrap-up is this Friday the 26th. Lots of players will be stopping in to wish everyone a happy and enjoyable summer. Even some pizzas will be on display. The new Dressing Room should be 97% complete and ready to view says Harve Birns-our Expansion Coordinator–some electrical is still to be done the week of…
SIGN-UP ( Sept/Oct 2024 )
The binder to sign up for September and or October will be on the counter Monday April 22nd. -Please check one of the months or both months. -You can check two lines (A and B or B and C). This helps us if we have to move players to a different line to make an…
Game Times
We have 2 weeks left in our 23/24 hockey season and we have always stressed that we want games to begin and end on time. For the greater part of the season we have had the luxury of a little cushion on this. However, beginning next week there very likely could be some hockey camps…
Last Call
Just a reminder that I still have some of the latest version of the League photo book. Get yours today and you won’t be saddened when they’re all gone. I will be taking photos of the new players during the April session sobring a comb or polish to make yourself look respectable.- For those who…
Supplementary sub/spare list
Any Division A & B full-time players that are interested in being on a supplementary sublist for your division please respond to me by email @ There will be 2 sublists for each of divisions A&B. The main sublist for each division will be for regular subs (those not playing full-time) and a NEW supplementary sublist for…
Stall Fees
All players with stalls # 1 -121—your $300 fee for your stall is due immediately please: As most of you can see; the Expansion is well on it’s way. Lookin good!! REMINDER—SIGN-UP FOR FULL-TIME FOR NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER IS OCTOBER 6 – a week tomorrow. Sign-up sheets are in the dressing room or if you…